Mail Tracking Provides Visibility and Analytics

Author: Tuck Tucker | August 1st, 2022

A mailing campaign can involve several production steps prior to actually mailing. After it enters the mail stream, then what happens to it? Mail tracking with Tucker Castleberry provides visibility through reporting from the mail entry date to the final delivery scan.

Unique Identifiers 

Using unique identifiers on each mail piece within the Intelligent Mail© Barcode (IMb), scan activity is captured from USPS scanners, and this data is populated into readable and actionable reports. Many organizations have a reason for using mail in their business model. With mail tracking, this reporting can provide viewable analytics based on the interest of the customer. For example, a utility company can track their mailings to identify addresses that are no longer accurate or non-deliverable before sending a disconnection notice. Based on this data, contacting the customer first to update address or occupant information could avoid a more difficult conversation.

Retail Marketing

Retail mail marketing tracked over several mailing campaigns can help to determine what type of mail piece prompts the highest response rate based on demographic delivery scans and if the requested mailing dates are providing in-home delivery scan dates as needed. Perhaps certain address areas need to be mailed earlier so the recipient does not miss an opportunity to act on a one-day sale. A low turnout for an event may not be due to a bad mail piece design. It could be attributed to when it was mailed and not arriving in time for the event.

Political Mailing

Political mailings have grown in popularity because of their physical presence in the hands of voters compared to digital outreach. Review tracking reports to identify trending deliverability and anticipate appropriate mail dates based on volume increases throughout the mail stream, especially as voting day approaches.

Non-Profit Organizations and Education 

For non-profit organizations and education verticals, mail tracking can add a new level of visibility not only for outbound mail but for inbound mail as well. Donor connection in the non-profit sector is important. By utilizing a designated identifier in the IMb on the return envelope, organizations can anticipate donation replies as well as staffing call centers for more accurate donor follow-up. Likewise, maintaining accurate mailing lists for educational alumni foundations and future student recruiting is key. Knowing when responses hit the mail stream gives the insight to anticipate the next marketing efforts or an opportunity to say “thank you” in a more proactive way.


Mail tracking can be as simple or intriguing as you would like it to be. We have the expertise to guide you. Contact Tucker Castleberry for greater detail on this mail marketing must have – you’ll be glad you did!

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