3 Things You Didn’t Know Fonts Could Do

Author: Tuck Tucker | October 15th, 2020

What is the value of a font? These stylistic tools do more than communicate words on a page. Some are fancy, others are plain. Some are playful, and others are spooky. But all of them do more than create words. Like mood lighting, fonts set the tone for your communications in ways that you might not expect. Let’s look at three things you might not realize that fonts do.

  1. Communicate brand.
    You may not think about fonts communicating your brand, but they play this role more than you think. Just look at The New York Times. You can pick out the Times on the newsstand from two blocks away. Why? The font is distinctive. You aren’t going to mistake The Times for another publication. Select fonts that you feel represent your brand and consistently use them across all marketing materials, whether print or digital.
  2. Set the mood.
    What’s the mood of your communication? Edgy? Thoughtful? Urgent? While selecting the right images, graphics, and colors are critical to communicating mood, selecting the right fonts is important, too. Want to create a piece that is lighthearted and playful? Try Architect’s Daughter or Chalkboard. Want a romantic feel? Try a cursive script or handwriting font. Fonts can help elicit a variety of emotions, so experiment!
  3. Instant credibility.
    Fonts can tap into positive associations to project a sense of trustworthiness and credibility. Helvetica, for example, is used on government documents. Courier is used on vintage books. Using these classic fonts can communicate authenticity. Even if you are using less traditional fonts, once people begin to associate your documents with a specific type style, this visual consistency will authenticate your materials, as well.

While fonts can reinforce branding, set mood, and establish credibility, they are ultimately intended to be read. So balance creativity with readability.

Want to learn more about fonts? Let our designers guide you!

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